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 Post 6  Hello everyone , we meet again on a new blog. Although last week I said that post number 5 was the last. Because I was wrong and confused the dates hahaha. After a rough week, we finish one of the assignment more important. So, now I am going to write about the last topic of this blog... English. My experience learning English at the university has been very enjoyable, because it is different from college classes. These are more didactic and sociable with your classmates, plus we talk about very interesting topics. So the class time is not noticeable. this year we experience new ways of learning,   one of them is blogging. I have never used this platform before, but it was fun. I would like to have this type of homework in the future. I find that my English is not bad, but the aspect of grammatical is one of the thing that I need to improve. I plan to do an exchange, to learn English in England. But for this I have to work and save, because it costs a lot of money.

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